Very important is the role of balanced diet and the drinking of plenty of water. But often these are not sufficient. So there are specific nutritional supplements that enhance the care of the skin (anti-aging food supplements). There are also food supplements such as oral liquid collagen that help skin regeneration and healthy growing of hair, nails and joints. Few words about collagen ...

What is Collagen?

Collagen gives elasticity to the physical body and does not let it to dissolve. It is a kind of glue (hence the name) that maintains the consistency of cells.

Lack of Collagen

If for some reason our body stops producing collagen then a terrible disease is displayed that two centuries ago used to appear on seafarers on ships that made long journeys: scurvy. This disease is the dissolution of the body due to total lack of vitamin C (so when he discovered the role of vitamin C, called ascorbic acid). When there is  no vitamin C in the body collagen can not be produced. As a result the body starts to fall apart first and foremost our blood vessels.

After the age of 30 collagen production decreases by 1-1.5% per year and it has obvious consequences, especially the skin. Consequence of the lack of collagen is often fatigue, aches and a general decrease of physical performance. Many diseases typical of aging, such as osteoarthritis, is closely linked to the amount of available collagen in the body.

Beneficial Properties of Collagen

The beneficial properties of collagen are many and find applications in both medicine and aesthetics. The liquid helps drinking collagen in arthritic problems, osteoporosis, and health of skin, hair and nails. The absorbency of the collagen in liquid oral form of the body is much greater -90% - of this is through the use of other products in the form such as tablets and capsules. The collagen proactive is drinking a liquid collagen that has amazing results for those who have used it. A scoop from the jar daily regenerates your skin making it firmer and gradually without using invasive methods.

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