Mom Breastfeeding

 Breastfeeding benefits for  babies
Breast milk contains all the necessary ingredients for the physical and mental development of the baby, ready-made antibodies and anti-inflammatory substances. The breast milk is irreplaceable and breastfeeding, o greatest psychic link between mother and infant.
Breastfeeding is the natural way of feeding babies. They automatically move immediately when they found for the first time in the arms of their mother. Survival instinct? Release is for possible psychosomatic contact? And both, say the experts. In recent years, gynecologists and pediatricians identify more and more strongly the vital importance of breastfeeding for both the survival and protection of children and to maintain the good health of the mother. Malista are not many people who abroad speak of a "new trend", trying to convince more and more mothers join the breastfeeding. In Greece, according to surveys, it is estimated that less than 5% of mothers breastfeed their babies exclusively with their own milk for half a year, a rate that is too low for a Mediterranean country.
The benefits of breastfeeding TO BABY
● The mother's milk provides ready-made antibodies to the baby the first time you do not own immune system has developed. Ayta, according to studies, are the immunoglobulins, which create a protective "layer" on surfaces of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, thereby shielding the body from infections caused by viruses and bacteria. Apart from this, the macrophages in breast milk (cells that kill bacteria and viruses) play an important role in the immune protection of the baby during the first months, but long. The effect on breastfed infants is that they have fewer respiratory infections and ear infections.
● O breastfeeding slows the development of celiac disease, a disorder of the digestive, and offers protection against Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in adults. Also, breastfed babies have less diarrhea and not constipation. That is attributable to the good absorption of breast-milk proteins.
● The breastfed babies are less likely to develop insulin-dependent diabetes, allergies and asthma.
● O breastfeeding prevents obesity. The babies fed with formula milk is usually heavier than breastfed. That is due to the different composition of the two types of milk, but also to the different composition of the mother at the beginning of breastfeeding (greater protein content) and the end (more fat), which exactly meets the daily nutritional needs of the baby. The babies during breastfeeding have quick feeling of satiety and stop themselves. On the contrary, when fed with formula milk, pressed by his mother to empty the bottle as this much easier, they consume the entire volume and, finally, they get more calories.
The breast milk contains all of the nutrients needed by the newborn, antibodies, hormones, immunogenic agents, and antioxidants, necessary for health and development. Enzymes contained in breast milk make it very digestible, and that is why some infants fed exclusively breastfeeding at more frequent intervals.

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