Coronavirus - All about it

What is a coronary in general?
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, often found in animals. In rare cases and after mutation, they can be transmitted from animal to human. The new 2019-nCoV coronavirus is a congenital virus with the SARS and MERS coronaviruses.

The Chinese epidemiologist at the Hong Kong University School of Public Health, Leo Poon, the first scientist to identify the virus, concluded that it originated from animals and was transmitted to humans. However, it is now known that it is transmitted from person to person.

“From what we know to date, coronavirus causes pneumonia and does not respond to antibiotic therapy. It is also the reason that causes mortality. We know that SARS causes 10% of deaths in infected people, while in the new virus, 15% to 20% of cases develop into serious cases. These will require hospitalization and perhaps respiratory support, "Poon said.

Where did it come from?
Laboratory test results, pharyngeal smear and blood of patients with deadly coronavirus hospitalized at Wuhan Hospital confirmed the genetic sequence that appeared to match perfectly with a night-time virus.


What are the symptoms of the new 2019-nCoV coronavirus?
We have just recently discovered that the new 2019-nCoV coronavirus may be deadly, though so far we know it is milder than SARS and MERS. However, as Neil Ferguson, professor of biology at Imperial College London, has pointed out, the mortality of the new coronavirus is comparable to that of the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918. However, 2019-nCoV takes longer to develop symptoms.

To date, patients who are infected with new coronavirus usually develop:

mild cough for a week followed by dyspnoea, often leading to hospital
in 15% to 20% of cases the infection progressed to a more severe condition and the affected persons needed respiratory support.


Treatment of the new corona virus
There is no specific cure, but scientific efforts are currently intensifying around the world. In most cases, the symptoms will go away on their own, although experts advise seeking early medical help from the onset of symptoms if they develop worse or faster than a common cold.



Doctors can help the patient with more severe symptoms by prescribing analgesics or antipyretics. The American CDC says that a humidifier or a hot shower can help with sore throat or cough. Also, drink plenty of fluids, rest and sleep as much as possible.


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