Stem Cells

a thought that crosses the minds of many couples waiting baby is the storage of stem cells. Here we answer in simple terms some of the questions that are likely to exist on.
The stem cells contained in the umbilical cord are primitive cell type from all over the body. That is, the original cells, the primary, which in the course of the baby's development evolve differentiated by institution and mode cells. By this logic, the stem cells can multiply and evolve in the cell type we need in all circumstances, that is to become red or white blood cells and platelets contained in our blood or forwarded to more specialized organ-specific cell functions of the body such as the brain or heart.
Where do we find
The stem cells contained in the blood coming from the placenta and circulate in the umbilical cord. Potentially there are other sources of stem cells in a child or adult organism, such as the milk teeth, bone marrow, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. The collection, however, stem cells from umbilical cord blood is the most convenient and secure method.
How collected
The collection of stem cells is a noninvasive procedure for the newborn or mother. Immediately after the baby is born, the obstetrician sterilize a portion of the umbilical cord and gets a puncture blood. Then, the blood is separated and obtained stem cells are frozen in liquid nitrogen and conditions maintained for many years. Collection of vlatokyttaron from other sources available to the agency is not appropriate in all cases, can be painful (as in the case of bone marrow) and the concentration of stem cells in the blood that is not always desirable.
The procedure
The first thing you need to do is to tell your obstetrician that you wish to collect the stem cells to follow a special procedure during childbirth, be it natural or cesarean. The blood will be collected from? the umbilical cord will be placed in a special sterile bag, which will be delivered to the stem cell bank you have selected. Then the blood will be registered in a special electronic file, will be separated and isolated stem cells will be maintained in appropriate storage conditions for about twenty years. You will receive a certificate of custody of your child's stem cells.
Where the process is more necessary
Everyone is good to have a 'source' of stem cells could prove valuable in certain disease situations. Depending, however, on family history, sometimes the storage of these cells is crucial. Who are they;
- When there is a family history of blood disorders treated with cell transplantation.
- When one of rsquo; both parents are of different nationalities, as it is difficult to find compatible donors for the child of a mixed couple. The same goes for when you belong to a national minority.
Private or public bank?
Currently opinions are divided and each option has its advantages and disadvantages. Proponents of public storage support the concept of the public interest - which in fact in this case is very important and big number as the sample can be used on any compatible patient in need except where there is a specific blood disease in your family so will be set aside for your children. In contrast, private operators based on access to the particular child's genetic material from the family alone. Public banks sample of stem cells offered as 'gift' and there is no cost, while the private will have to pay a fee depending on the bank you choose. Please note that if you select the storage in a private bank would have to check its certification and will make sure that all the conditions and procedures necessary for the processing and storage.
The modern social trend, however, is the stem cells available in public banks, making them accessible to those in need and a sample of our social culture.


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